Update reward rate for DOT(Starlay deposit) && LDOT(Starlay deposit): a. pool#4 DOT(Starlay deposit) , update ACA reward rate base to 135,000 ACA per month, and update loyalty bonus to 90,000 ACA per month. b. pool#5 LDOT(Starlay deposit) , update ACA reward rate base to 15,000 ACA per month, and update loyalty bonus to 10,000 ACA per month.
At block #5,978,800 (estimated 2024-04-14 09:11:32 (+UTC)), stop deduction of loyalty bonus rewards when claiming rewards for DOT(Starlay deposit) and LDOT(Starlay deposit) pools.
Acala Treasury will give 250,000 ACA reward tokens to AF for 1 month.
DOT and LDOT pools will be created for Starlay deposit.
The reward rates for DOT and LDOT pools will be updated with ACA reward rates and loyalty bonuses.
At block #5,978,800, loyalty bonus rewards will stop being deducted when claiming rewards for DOT and LDOT pools.
These changes will happen in the future, around April 14, 2024.