In an exciting move to kick off the Acala 2.0 Exodus Upgrade and celebrate the launch of the LSTFi-centered Universal Asset Hub, we are thrilled to introduce our liquidity mining program. This program is designed to empower participants, providing them with the opportunity to receive substantial rewards, including up to 20 million ACA per month in ACA staking, boosted LCDOT and DOT staking via the Euphrates DApp, as well as participation in select liquidity pairs on Acala Swap and various ecosystem DApps.
The sentiment vote to approve the general direction of the liquidity mining program has been approved on 16th Sep. This vote in particular is specifically for incentive allocation for Euphrates DApp LCDOT staking. Other sub-programs will be detailed in separate proposals.
Euphrates Liquidity DApp
Euphrates is the liquidity DApp that offers stakers and liquidity providers of Liquid Staking Tokens (LSTs) the opportunity to earn boosted rewards. Participants can claim ACA tokens as well as rewards from participating project tokens e.g. TAI (Taiga Protocol) with minimal effort.
The first phase of Euphrates launch will accept LCDOT (and later DOT) for tDOT and LDOT pools. LCDOT in Euphrates will be automatically converted into DOT after the Acala lease period concludes and staked into tDOT or LDOT, ensuring users won’t miss out on staking rewards.
LCDOT Staking Target Launch APR: A target launch APR of 35–55% is set for LCDOT staking (excluding DOT staking rewards), which will be adjusted depends on demand and LCDOT staked. This proposal covers the initial two weeks incentive, and further incentive adjustments will be proposed in the following week.
Sentiment Vote: