Overview of Bitget Exchanges
Behind Bitget is a group of early adopters who believe in a blockchain-based future. Since 2018, we have built an exchange committed to helping users trade smarter by providing a secure, one-stop crypto investment solution.
Campaign Engagement
The Bitget Exchange integrates the ACA staking function into its staking page, letting more users participate in the ACA staking.
Acquisition Campaign
All new users who use the Bitget Exchange to Stake ACA during the campaign period will be qualified to receive an extra ACA airdrop.
Why choose Bitget Staking?
- Interest is credited every day. If you stake on D (date), interest starts to accrue on D+1 and is paid on D+2. Bitget will pay interest to your spot account each day for as long as you keep staking.
- You can stake at any time and redeem before the end of a staking period. Staking offers a flexible, free, and smooth experience.
- You get as much as you earn on the chain. Bitget does not take a cut of your earnings, and the ROI exactly matches that of the nodes.
- Earn principal-protected and low-risk income. Your assets will only grow during staking. No setup is required, and no penalty (such as slashing) or other on-chain node staking risks. Bitget makes you an effortless earner!
Sponsor Requirement
Propose ACA staking extra reward campaign on Bitget Exchange. The total budget for the campaign will be 142,857 ACA tokens. And with a dedicated in-app section for ACA staking only plus a longer exposure period.